How large organisations can leverage the digital advantage for innovation?
By Suraya Sulaiman and Azim Pawanchik
Featured in SMU Magazine The digital world has permeated our lives in more ways than we would like to admit. Everyday we hear of new apps that promise to make our life better, ranging from delegation of personal tasks to guiding us through downtown peak-hour traffic snarls and managing our personal budgets. Companies like Airbnb, Uber and GrabCar have creatively and radically changed how the service industry operates. We read using Amazon Kindle and Google Books, listen to music streamed from Spotify, and subscribe to Netflix or iflix to watch our favourite television programmes and movies. And these only begin to scratch the surface of what’s available out there. In their book Exponential Organisations, Salim Ismail, Yuri van Geest and Mike Malone discuss the rapid change in technological capabilities and computing. They focus on how much new software has built-in intelligent processes to create constant improvements through continuous feedback, how the Internet of Things is creating an information-connected nervous system of the world and how everything and anything can now be tracked, measure and act as a catalyst for change. |