We treat innovation as a structured discipline.
What we offer
1. Accelerating Innovation & Transformation
A set of outcome based programmes specifically created to fast track innovation within organsiations. The practical oriented programmes are steeped in blended learning techniques and coaching sessions to unleash ideas and turn these into growth opportunities for the organisation.
Organisations end up with implementable solutions, are able to impact the bottom line, and instil an innovation culture in the organsiation. The programmes come with usage of our InnovAsian Space for an extended amount of time beyond the programme to facilitate sustainability of the transformation.
Organisations end up with implementable solutions, are able to impact the bottom line, and instil an innovation culture in the organsiation. The programmes come with usage of our InnovAsian Space for an extended amount of time beyond the programme to facilitate sustainability of the transformation.
BriskDURATION : 4-6 WEEKSA strategic program to mine discernible opportunities for growth and translate innovative solutions within organisations into growth opportunities
2. Trainings & Workshops
Digital Innovation & TransformationABOUT THIS WORKSHOP
In a business environment characterised by globalisation, rapid technological change as well as rapidly changing customer needs, organisations need to transform fast to maintain their competitive advantage. Leaders are guided to re-think how you lead the transformation of your organisation through embarking on digital innovation. Highly practical in approach, you emerge from this programme with a digital strategy suited for your unique organisation, ready for roll-out. LEARNING OUTCOME
Fundamentals of Innovation
About this workshop
Insights, Ideas, Imagination and Intuition are raw materials which drive innovation and transformation. This programme enables participants to understand what innovation is and what its not. How to approach innovation in a systematic manner and how to obtain fresh ideas. The unique blended approach utilised here gives participants a chance to re-imagine new possibilities and concepts to design new solutions to challenges at the workplace. This programme is ideal to build foundational knowledge on innovation and perfect for innovation supporters. lEARNING OUTCOME
By attending this workshop, participants will be able to:
Managing InnovationABout this workshop
Ideal for individuals responsible to oversee and manage the innovation efforts underway within the organisation. This programme brings you on a step by step journey to prepare you to organise innovation challenges and hackathons, develop your unique innovation KPIs and to work out your internal innovation governance structure. learning outcome
The challenge today is for organisations across a wide range of sectors to transform and weave innovation into their DNA. This tailor-made programme empowers leaders from different parts of the organisation to take charge of innovation and leverage on the talent. This programme will provide the basics on how to create an environment and culture where innovation can flourish and facilitate participants to generate fresh and creative ideas while benchmarking against other best practices in the market. LEARNING OUTCOME
Our focus is to help you explore:
Boards for InnovationaBOUT THIS workshop
Driving exponential growth in organisations is almost a requirement in today’s volatile world. With emerging digital technologies and tools exploding in the market, leaders need to be equipped and adaptable to embrace new ways of innovating. ‘Leading from the Top’ explores how Boards can create growth, and impact stakeholders through innovation. LEARNING OUTCOME
During this 2-day programme, participants shall be exposed to:
3. We also do keynote speechesGain an all-inclusive understanding on innovation for your talent pool. Some of the topics we can talk about:
Other Potential Topics we can explore:
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